Strategies To Combat Friendly Fraud

friendly fraud

Friendly fraud is a costly threat to all online merchants and others that accept card-not-present transactions. Unless merchants take steps to reduce this type of fraud, they are risking both their reputation and their revenue. What is Friendly Fraud? Friendly fraud is often called chargeback fraud because it involves consumers abusing the chargeback process at

Chargeback Reason Codes

chargeback reason codes

With so many chargeback reason codes, it’s no wonder people can’t figure them out! There are so many reasons a consumer would initiate a chargeback, and chargeback reason codes cover just about all of them. However, it’s not always that simple – of course! Chargeback Reason Codes – Macro View It seems like everybody from

Chargebacks and the IOT

chargebacks and the IOT

As if chargebacks weren’t already a difficult enough problem to solve, as a business owner, you’re now having to deal with chargebacks and the IOT (Internet of Things). If you’ve visited any tech sites, or frankly made a purchase within the last 2 years, you’re already well aware of the Internet of Things and smart

Chargeback Time Limits

Chargeback time limits

If you’ve ever tried to figure out chargeback time limits, didn’t get very far, and gave up – you’re not alone! These chargeback time limits, or timelines/deadlines, are complicated to say the least. There are so many different numbers to keep in mind, but hopefully we can simplify this complicated landscape for you here to